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möte Munkedal herrgård

Meetings & Conference

Our packages


Rent the entire Herrgårn


All-day conference with overnight stay

  • Arrival coffee with a good sandwich

  • 2-course lunch incl. soft drink

  • Afternoon coffee with sweet and salty

  • A seasonal dinner. Choose between 2 or 3 courses.

  • Accommodation: share in double room

  • Manor breakfast

  • Access to coffee/tea, fruit and sweets throughout the stay

  • Meeting room & manor salons for group work

  • Projector or TV screen

reception Munkedal herrgård
mötesrum Munkedal herrgård
möte Munkedal herrgård

Conference lunch-lunch

Day 1:

  • 2-course lunch incl. soft drink

  • Afternoon coffee with something sweet
    A seasonal dinner. Choose between 2 or 3 courses.

  • Overnight stay

Day 2:

  • Manor breakfast

  • 2-course lunch incl. soft drink

  • Access to coffee/tea, fruit and sweets throughout the stay

  • Meeting room & manor salons for group work

  • Projector or TV screen

konferensrum Munkedal herrgård
konferens Munkedal herrgård
lunchmöte Munkedal herrgård

- Unique conference opportunities

Our historic mansion offers the perfect location for a rewarding conference. With beds for 40 people, a large conference room for up to 70 participants, a smaller conference room for up to 15 people and three group rooms, we create a unique meeting place close to nature.

Here, the calm and history contribute to making the conference participants more relaxed and creative during the meeting.

Conference package

Customized meetings

Get in touch with us by email at or by phone 0524-285 06


Tack för din förfrågan!

salong Munkedal herrgård

Day conference

  • Arrival coffee with a good sandwich

  • Access to coffee/tea throughout the stay

  • Fruit and sweets

  • 2-course lunch incl. soft drink

  • Afternoon coffee with cake

  • Meeting room & manor salons for group work

  • Projector or TV screen

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